Thursday 15 July 2010


Two weeks ago we arrived at Manchester airport. Our taxidriver brought us to EAC summerschool in Cottingham and we were very excited what would happen. ...
Now we stay here for two weeks and we want to write about our impressions:

The first guy we met was our groupleader Andreas. He was very nice and showed us around. We started with our rooms, which are really good, clean and comfortable. Then we saw the rest of the campus: the concourse, the computer room (We are happy to have it!), the Verandah Bar (in which it was too hot!) and the canteen. The food was good, better than we thought, but we are happy to eat mum's food at home.
On the campus there were some people with orange t-shirts, the activityleaders. We really liked them and had a lot of fun with them. They tried hard to entertain us, but some evening programmes weren't so amazing.(for example "The generation game")
The half day excursions were really interesting, but there were too many museums. We ask us "How many museums are in the near?".
We didn't like "sports, art & crafts", it was really boring.
The full day trip to Lincoln was great. We visited the cathedral and went shopping. And we are excited to see York on Saturday.

The best of all was to get to know new people. But at the first time it was difficult to include us in the big Italian groups. Then we found some nice people and in the second week the new Germans arrived, among other things our new groupleader Pia.

This blog is one of our exercise in lesson. The teachers (We had Bob and Helen S.)were very nice and thought us a lot of new things. Sometimes the lessons were a little bit boring, but we are at (summer)school. ;)

All in all it was a great experience and we're happy that we made the decision to go here.
Laura & Josephina from Germany!

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