Wednesday 14 July 2010

Rain + BBQ = : - (

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. AND THEN WE CAN HAVE OUR BBQ!
I`m very happy to stay here but I want to see you because I miss you.
The EAC is a beautiful college, here you can have fun, and I`m very happy because I learn a lot of new things.
Sometimes I was tired and sad but this experience was very beautiful.
So I`m happy!
Hi!! We are Candy and Giulia, we want to tell you about our experience in eac college. In this two weeks we were very happy! ... We meet very nice people! The college is very beautiful, staff and teacher too! Every day we did a lot of activities, for example in the morning we went to school and in the afternoon we went to school trips or we stayed in the college and we played sport or Art and Craft or English games! We liked the trip because we learned lots of things about the city/town, the state and the languages. In the town we saw a Cathedral, a Castle ... and a lot of shops!! After this experience our English is better than two weeks ago!!
dear mum,
this summer has been beautiful I have known a lot of nice people and the school has been interesting. I have never been bored because ther were always something to do!
I am very happy happy for this experience.
I miss you a lot and I want to see you!

What we should and shouldn't do in England ?

In England, you should like potatoes.
In England, you should have an umbrella.
In England, you should see the queen.
In England, you should listen to the Rolling Stones.
In England, you should drink tea.

In England, you shouldn't have a big lunch,
but you shouldn't have a little breakfast.
In England, you shouldn't not understand english.
In England, you shouldn't drive on left.
In England, you shouldn't wear shorts because it's rain.

life in england

In England you should drink tea
In England you should visit Big Ben
In England you shouldn't eat pizza but you should eat fish and chips
In England you shouldn't see the animals
In England you should visit the Royal Palace
In England you should play golf
In England you should love manchester united
In England you should eat cake
In England you shouldn't love Arsenal
In England you shouldn't eat french fries