Tuesday 13 July 2010

we love our teacher

We are really well with our teacher for some aspects.
She is always trying to help us and she's also really kind.
she is really clever because she is studying in the Cambridge University.
Her classes are really nice because she does some entertain activities,like games or competitions,...
Now we must do a work bassed in do photos for after make a comic.
Is really funny because we can go all the fields for do all that.


Our nice time at Hull

We are from Spain, we arrived on 5 July at 12 o'clock in the morning,because the bus driver got lost.
Our first week was very interesting, first we we to The Deep, that was ok, but we thougt that it could be better, because we heard that it is the biggest acuarium in Europe. Last weekend we visited Old Trafford,Manchester city and shopping centres (in Hull we visited Princess Quay, in Manchester we visited one shopping centre but we don't remember the name). At, we visited the Street Life Museum,that was amazing, and we visited too Historymuseum where we found some funny statues.
We have classes 5 times a week, the first week we had classes in the morning with Helen, who was a funny and interesting teacher, and this week we have classes in the afternoon with Catherine, who is super.
In the evenings, we have activities,like quizzes, sports, films... Those activities are quite long but are funny too.
For the next weeks, we are going to have some trips, to York, to Leeds... We hope to have a nice time for the rest of our journey in Hull.
Pablo and Edu :) xD, ok very well guys