Thursday 15 July 2010

Our eac holidays in HULL!

During these two weeks we really enjoyed staying in the college, so that we would like to stay here another week!
In fact we found a lot of good points (and bad ones) that we would like to talk about. For example, the things we liked most are the accomodation (large and comfortable rooms; wonderful room service) and teachers (very professional, kind and helpful). We also loved the games room where we could play table tennis and pool and where we watched the world cup final.
Here in the college we met a lot of people who became our friends but they all came from our same country: Italy! So we didn't use to speak English with them.
One of the things we think the college should improve is hosting more people from different countries.
This year the weather has been quite good; we mean, it hasn't been so bad as the other years we went to England. But we found one bad thing in common: the food. We know that we are all spoilt, but when we went to the canteen, we entered hell (ahahah! Just joking). We need to say that the food they gave us in the canteen was 100 times better than the packed lunch. Every week-end we (h)ate it, but fortunately we were on excursions, and we could go to fast foods. Trips were very interesting, especially the one to Edinburgh and its Castle, and the one to Lincoln.
After all those tiring things, we had night activities. Well, some of them weren't so funny (we found quiz and casino quite boring) but one was BRILLIANT, GREAT, AWESOME: we're talking about the TALENT SHOW! It was very well-organized, with judges and other points, and all the contestants were very talented.
Except Liam, of course. Nothing talented about him. (ahahahah!)
Finally, we repeat that this holiday, and this summer school have been fantastic. Thank you, everyone! From David, to Bob, to Abraham, to the people who serve in the canteen and who clean our rooms.
God save us!

Mattia Donadoni yeahhhhh
Lorenzo (Lollo Frodo) Teli oohh yes(er)

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