Monday 2 August 2010

A Fond Farewell!

Over the weekend we said goodbye to a big group of Italian, French, and German students. Wear your orange shirts with pride back home... Adieu! Auf wiedersehen! Ciao!

Sports in Action

A Warm-Up!

Talent Is Our Middle Name

Parlo Americano?

Doug: Hull's Next Top Model?
The Talent Show was an extravaganza! Singing, dancing, acting, modelling, speed-eating... we did it all. Well done to all who participated!
"When I dance they call me macarena..."

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin....

Booker Prize? Blah!

Our students have been getting creative.

After looking at the topic of 'Mysterious places' and learning about pyramids, curses and tombs, some budding young international novelists here at EAC Hull have written some devilishly demonic stories for your delectation.

So, pour yourself a nice long cup of English tea, crack open a lovely packet of biscuits and settle yourself down for a riveting read. Best just make sure the lights are on...  

Toga Disco!

On Disco night our students and staff exchanged jeans and tshirts for a more exciting outfit. Sheets were removed from beds and tied into various toga styles. From Ancient Rome to the catwalks of Milan, Paris, Berlin, or Hull: we know how to rock a toga!