Friday 9 July 2010

Notes from the Deep - Part One

Alright, so, okey dokey, hold onto your suitcases, strap on the seatbelts and clutch your ID cards tight, here we go: EAC Hull's blog 2010...

Boys, girls, men, women, group leaders and anyone else with eyes, ears or the inclination: roll up for what will soon blossom into the most super-smashing-awesome account of all the astounding things that we get up to here in 'the Pioneering City'.

As I look out of my window across the vast expanse of grass we are blessed with here, students are everywhere: some tucked away in classrooms, fervently studying as they strive to communicate with their new sweethearts in English, others beavering away in the computer room as they research their little hearts out, preparing to become tour guides for the day tomorrow. Still more bounce back on the bus from Hull, wide eyed with wonder from the sight of majestic mammoths and a life-sized stuffed polar bear. And then there are of course the group leaders, many still mopping their brow from a night on the EAC disco dancefloor whilst others can be spied nursing their backs, fresh from the now infamous challenge of a human pyramid.

Voyages of discovery to Manchester, Lincoln and Edinburgh will sail out tomorrow, a leisurely seaside day at Scarborough is due for some on Sunday and Mr and Mrs Universe, no, correction, EAC will be crowned after a series of eye-popping, heart-racing contests lined up this evening.

We'll be back on Monday with pictures, reports and best of all, student accounts of their time with us here but until then I leave you with a thought:

"Listen, and you'll hear poetry, even on the streets of Hull" (Joan Littlewood)


DBH - Centre Manager