Monday 12 July 2010

A day in Manchester

Lastweekend we went to Manchester. It's a very beautiful place and we enjoyed it a lot. It was a very beautiful experience because we also visited the legendary Old Trafford, the Manchester United stadium. Specially the boys enjoyed it. We liked it too much because it's a dream that became true. It's a dream because on that field played many champions like Rooney, Vander Sar, Nani etc etc. We wanted to touch the field and the grass, but our guide said "NO". We stayed

in the tunnel from which the players go to the pitch.

After we went to do shopping but the best part of the trip had been the time that we spent in the stadium...

A wonderful day in Manchester!

Last Saturday, 10th July, we visited Manchester. In the morning we arrived by bus at Old Trafford stadium where we had a tour of all the stadium with the guide. We also went in the dressing room and in the place where the players walk to go onto the pitch. It was a very exciting experience! :) We finished the tour at 1.45pm, then we came back to the bus that brought us into the centre of the city. At that time the teachers gave us about two hours to do shopping or everything we wanted to do. There were lots of beautiful shops as a consequence we buoght a lot of things. We also went to Hard Rock Cafe to buy some t-shirts. We met to the meeting point at 4pm and then we took the bus to come back to the college. At 6pm we had dinner and after we went to the computer room to tell our friends and parents this wonderful experience! That was a very good day! :)
Ale, Ire & Daria

We LOVE Manchester!

On Saturday with the EAC school we went to Manchester. In the morning we went to ''The theatre of Dreams'', The Old Trafford Stadium of Manchester United.
The stadium was fantastic, very exciting and the guide was very funny.
Then we went to the Manchester Shopping Center: it was very, very big but also very, very busy.
We bought souvenirs and Frappuccinis (We LOVE Starbucks!).
It is true that this trip was very tiring but we don't ever forget it!!!
Emiliano & Martyna


The Scarburough is beautiful, for the see, the city, and for the shops.
The see it's very clean and i love the see. After to goes the luna park and i play to the T-wister,
and the games and i'm very very fun. After to goes the shops and i love shopping. The city it's really live , the people it's very very nice and fun.

A week-end in Edimburgh

I am an Italian student this is my first in england and for me the eac college is very good. The last week-end i went to Edimburgh, the capital of Scotland:a very great country.I left from my college about at 6 o' clock and i arrive to Edimburgh at about half past eleven. In the first time i visited the castle, it is big old and very beatifule, i liked much the crown whit jewels the prison and the apartament of scottish king and queen. Then in the castle i bought in a shop some presents for my parents. Then we visited the gallery where there are a lot of beatifule painting. then we went around city and we did shopping; i bought a hard rock's t- shirt for my sister. at about five we took the bus for cottingham. We had a dinner in a Mc donald restaurant. We arrived in the college about at eleven o'clock and we go to bed.

England holiday

Hi giacomo
I am in England to learn english. The college is very big. I can play with my friends , doing sports and all going to a city for excursion . I sew a castle , a museum and a gallery. I bought some presents for my family . We went to hall to see the deep . the deep is very beautiful because there are a lot of animals : fish , tortoise ....... Now i have a lesson very fun . kiss RICCARDO


In this campus when we don't have school we have some excursions or activities.The activities are in the morning, afternoon or evening.This week we have school in the morning, so we have activities in the afternoon.The activities are Art and Craft and sports.I like sport but I prefer art and craft because it is creative.
today we are in Edimburgh, the capital of Scotland. Edimburgh is really big but we can't visit all it.

love from
Eva Marta

Disco night

On thursday the 8 july there was a disco!
We danced with 4 italian girls it was super.
The DJ was good and the ambiance to.
Habdoul and mohamed 2 turkish boys.
"Victor & Arno german)"
Hello everybody!
I'm Chiara and now i'm here: in the Eac college oh Hull.
Here we study English but we also enjoy ourselves because we do many exciting activities like "Mr & Mrs Eac", Disco, etc..
Eac college is a good place with many relaxing garden and a lot of peace.
Here there are people from all over the world and we can speak with many and many people and we meet new friends.
The bedroom is comfortable and the food...isn't very good but we also survive.
Now I'm enjoing very much this place and I will say to everybody to do a similar experience like this:)
I'm Chiara and now I'm staing at the Eac college of Hull; here we study English and we do many exciting activities for example yesterday we went to the Deep and the day before yesterday we visited Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is a very beautiful city; there is the old and the new part of city.
In the old Edinburgh city there is the castle also in the new Edinburgh there are many shops.
The trip was beautiful the only things that i didn't like was the weather because it was cold, foggy and rainy but we also enjoyed ourselves also if it was raining.

A great week-end!!! =)

Well,I had a great times this week-end!!! :)
Me and my group went in Edinburgh on Saturday and we enjoyed ourselves very much!:) After FIVE hours of travel (boooooriiing xD) we finally arrived in Edinburgh and went immediately to the castle,which was very big and magestic. Unfortunately the Castle was hidden by the fog,however we could see it. Then we had some free time and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe'...I was very exited! I had never seen an Hard Rock Cafe' before!!! :D We went also to other shops and we bought a lot of gifts and other things for us! xD We returned to the University at 10.30 PM...Tired but very,very happy!!!
On Sunday we went to The Deep in Hull...It was fantastic! There were a lot of different types of fish and some sharks too...Spooookieee.. xD
After all,I really really enjoyed this week-end...I saw a lot of interesting things and (I repeat this one more time xD) I ENJOYED MY SELF VERY MUCH!!! Good job,EAC! ;)
