Thursday 15 July 2010

2010 Holiday in England, Hull

We have been here in the college for almost two weeks: the weather during the first one was sunny and quite good, despite of the second, during which we found it rainy and a bit bad.
So the English climate is colder than the Italian one and if you go to England it is better to bring with yourself a raincoat or an umbrella! ;)
Another difference between uk and our country is about the food : everybody knows that Italian cusine is always better than the English one.
Since we are here to learn English, let's talk about teachers and lessons, which have improved our knowledge in speaking and pronouncing English and help us to learn many new words and usefull expressions.
teachers and activity leaders were very sociable and kind and often we found them very funny and working with passion, [expecially Bob :-P]. they couldn't be better!!!
The college is full of green and it has an enormous garden on which we could sunbathe and play many sports.
We didn't like our accomodations because they were too small and maybe the furniture was too big compared to the dimensions of the rooms and our group was divided in two different blocks : we have to stay together if we wanna enjoy our holiday in Hull.
We enjoyed some of the activities, but not all of them: for example we liked the talent show and the disco, but we think it should be done twice a week; in any case we disliked the quiz-night and the casino' and perhaps we spent too much time playing sport and wandering in the college.
Our group leader's daugther won the talent show and two friends of ours came 2nd!!! <3... then we danced the macarena all together.
Finally we visited many towns and we found almost all the trips very interesting but they could be funnier if we would have more time to go shopping. 
To sum up this summer holiday was fantastic!! <3

Davide Donzelli ( Amico di Elia) and Maryon Perico

Bravi: Ieser,Iora,Imer,Iair!!!! & Bobby     Ma....................... Chi e` l'Elia???????????????????

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