Monday 12 July 2010

A week-end in Edimburgh

I am an Italian student this is my first in england and for me the eac college is very good. The last week-end i went to Edimburgh, the capital of Scotland:a very great country.I left from my college about at 6 o' clock and i arrive to Edimburgh at about half past eleven. In the first time i visited the castle, it is big old and very beatifule, i liked much the crown whit jewels the prison and the apartament of scottish king and queen. Then in the castle i bought in a shop some presents for my parents. Then we visited the gallery where there are a lot of beatifule painting. then we went around city and we did shopping; i bought a hard rock's t- shirt for my sister. at about five we took the bus for cottingham. We had a dinner in a Mc donald restaurant. We arrived in the college about at eleven o'clock and we go to bed.

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