Monday 12 July 2010

A great week-end!!! =)

Well,I had a great times this week-end!!! :)
Me and my group went in Edinburgh on Saturday and we enjoyed ourselves very much!:) After FIVE hours of travel (boooooriiing xD) we finally arrived in Edinburgh and went immediately to the castle,which was very big and magestic. Unfortunately the Castle was hidden by the fog,however we could see it. Then we had some free time and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe'...I was very exited! I had never seen an Hard Rock Cafe' before!!! :D We went also to other shops and we bought a lot of gifts and other things for us! xD We returned to the University at 10.30 PM...Tired but very,very happy!!!
On Sunday we went to The Deep in Hull...It was fantastic! There were a lot of different types of fish and some sharks too...Spooookieee.. xD
After all,I really really enjoyed this week-end...I saw a lot of interesting things and (I repeat this one more time xD) I ENJOYED MY SELF VERY MUCH!!! Good job,EAC! ;)


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