Friday 16 July 2010

To York and Beyond

This weekend all our students are going to York! The city is famous for its amazing architecture, its mighty Minster, and of course, its sublime shopping! Locals say it is one of Europe's most inspiring cities. Let's see if our students agree...


  1. On saturday, we were in York. It's a beautiful city with a lots of people. At first, we went to the railway museum, but we didn't enjoy it very much because we already had been in another railway museum that week. We think that the last one was better than the first. In the museum there were a lot of trains and a train simulation machine, but it cost £3 and we didn't go in. Then we walked on the walls for a long time and the we went to Clifford's Tower-by the way, there were a lot of ducks and we started to give our sandwiches to them. Then we went to a pretty big cathedral and Liam told us to be there at 4o'clock after the free time, so we started to look for shops and shopping centres. We walked a lot and met new poeple while we were shopping-for example, we started to ask people for shops.
    At last, we went to the cathedral at 4o'clock and took the bus to come here.
    We enjoyed it :D
    Adolfo, Ines & Bego

  2. Last Saturday, we went to York. First, we visited the Railway museum. It was amazing, because there were too many types of trains!! When we finished this super visit, we went to the City Walls, and we walked along them for half an hour. That was Ok, but when we were walking, it started raining, so... what a pity!!
    After it, we went to Clifford's Tower, but we didn't enter there because it cost too much!! ( it's a joke, it cost just £2, but we are quite stingy). And finally, we went to the city centre, where, first we saw the minster, which was extremely beautiful and amazing, we went shopping for 4 delicious
    hours! York is a place where you can find the shops that you want, like H&M, Gap, Starbucks, Game, Shoe Stores,Orange, Pizza Hut,Ice-cream stores...
    I hope to come here again, because I had a really great time! :)
    Eduardo & Pablo
