Monday 26 July 2010

Getting Frank About the Lingua Franca

While some languages are becoming extinct, other languages seem to be taking over the world! English is becoming the lingua franca through which people from all over the world communicate. Will English eventually replace all other languages? Is this dangerous or desirable? What do you think?


  1. Yes english will be lingua franca because it is very popoular in a lot of countries and it is spoken by a lot of people.I think that other languages like chinese won't be lingua franca because it is spoken only in china. So according to me the future lingua franca will be the language that is spoken in a lot of parts of the world, and this language is english!

  2. Yes..we think lingua franca is a good idea..desirable..because a lot of people know English well and it is very important for the economical and political way.
    We hope English is going to replace the other smaller languages,but not the "big"language in the Italian,Spanish or German.
    We know everybody must talk in English very speak,keep in conctact,travel with all people in easy way.
    We say English is the the language of the present and of the future too.Lingua franca is the best "invention"of Century.

  3. I think Lingua Franca is a good thing because with it you can speak with all foreign people.But in this way we have no difference and we need to have difference.I hope that we`ll learn English but we won`t forget our language.I think that the Lingua Franca depend on economy because the language of the country that has the best economy will be the Lingua Franca.

  4. I think that having one lingua franca is good because everyone can understand each other. If all the people speak only one language all the things were more simple. There are also some ways to speak lingua franca and to conserve our languages like italian or german. Today with the globalization all the people must know english. I think tat in the future the lingua franca will be chinese becouse chinese people are intelligent and are 1/3 of the world population, they can live with a few money. I think also that the traditions like languages of important countries like italy or france don`t died never.

  5. Lingua Franca is a good thing because you can talk with anyone in the world. But it mustn't be just one language in the world. Every country can have his own language. But if you know lingua franca you become a world citizen

  6. One language in the world can be very positiv.
    It is a good thing for trade and communication in holidays and at work in other countries. But some other languages become extinct and when this is the case in 10 years it is a bad thing.
    In the end it is a good way of getting one world and we are all together.

  7. We think that a lingua franca is a very important thing for the world, because it could help trade and the communication between different countries. In our opinion it's quite impossble that English will became the only spoken language in the future; but however there will be more and more people who will learn and speak English. Chinese is too difficult for everybody and it will not became the new lingua franca.

  8. It is possible that English will replace all the other languages because of globalisation: English nowadays is spoken by business men, self-made men and also by scientists all over the world. Yet we think that this prospective isn't desiderable. It could be wonderful thinking about a united world but we have to consider also that differences are beautiful and that have influenced our history... in every language there are culture and traditions!

  9. we think that a lingua franca could be a good and a bad thing at the same time because everybody can understand each other, but there wouldn`t be differences between the countries, and the people may lose the connection with their traditions.
    So english is good to be the lingua franca, but not to be the only language spoken in the entire world, because everybody would be able to learn at least one second language!

  10. We think English won't replace all other languages because your own language is part of you and the people living in a country are unified by it. Someone is worried about their language and tradition disappearing.
    But we think English will remain the most popular language in the world and that's not a bad thing.
