Monday 2 August 2010

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin....

Booker Prize? Blah!

Our students have been getting creative.

After looking at the topic of 'Mysterious places' and learning about pyramids, curses and tombs, some budding young international novelists here at EAC Hull have written some devilishly demonic stories for your delectation.

So, pour yourself a nice long cup of English tea, crack open a lovely packet of biscuits and settle yourself down for a riveting read. Best just make sure the lights are on...  


  1. Trip to Egypt:

    One day I think want to visit totankhamon tomb and I take a fly for Afrika. When I arrive near Nile I think It's very beautiful and I wash my body in the water. After I look for a spirit of tutankhamon and when I find say at he it's a stupid and he make me died.
    THE END=

  2. The mystery House.

    We were in a house in the meddle of the forest last weekend. We went because our friends told us that this house is very horrible, and we like these things because you dont know what is that you go to find.
    And then, when we were very afraid because there weren't any light.

  3. one day two girl were in a plane.they decide to take something to eat because they are hungry! so, they take two sandwiches but in the sanwiches there's a snake that eat one girl. then the other scary girl go to call an hostes but she didn't found anyone on the plane... because the sun was so hot and the other people are died! then the girl woke up, it was only dream, a bad dream!

  4. I'm in the entrace of a tomb, i'm very scared because i see a dark shadow behind me i begin to run and i fall in a hole, in the botton there is strange liquid.I don't know what have i to do and i find a little door.Behind the door i find the tomb of Akhenaten and when i go to take the lid of the coffin i mummy take me and i fall in the darkness"This is the end" I think and after i don't see anything

  5. there was a gold fish, his name was Liam. He lived in a box, in a ocean...He was follow in love with a gilrl, her name was Catherine... That day appened strange things, Lucas, a Liam`s friend has lost and Liam was worried. It was a sunday night there weren`t many fishes in the sea when Catherine and Liam walked for the ocean... BOOOOOOOOOOM !!! A radioactive shark ate them and after the sea he go on the earth and exterminated all the humans... A little part of APOCALIPSE.
    Authors Luca Laringe and Valerio Tortorelli

  6. one night I`im in my bedroom when I heard a strange noise. I went out and i went upstairs to look if my mother had returned home but there were no one I`was alone at home. I was so scared I returned to my bedroom and I saw one black shadow near the window.I start to be scared and I left the bedroom but I saw that the shadow folllow me i ran in the living room for serch the telephone and call someone who can help me. I telephoned my at my parents but they didn`t answered. so I wake up and I discovered that it was a dream.

    One day a young boy choose to left for the country. He bought a little house very chip. That house were really beatiful but there were some stories about it; people thought that into the house lived a ghost. The old owner hated that house because the fist time he went there with his wife she misteriosly were killed. For this he sold it. The young boy didn't believed it and thefirst time he went therehe choose to go with his girlfriend. He saw the ghost and he said them to went away for ever or he had kidnapp his girlfriend. He really loved her but he didn't believe to the ghost and he rested here. For this the ghost choose to kidnapp him and not his young and unluckly girlfriend. From that moment nobody neverentered in the ghost's house.

    Author: Sara Ferraro.

  8. The Mystery House

    Today i was at home. I was watching Tv. Suddenly i heard a strange noise. I was feeling scared. Slowly i went to the kitchen. I looked into fridge. There sat a monster. A big monster. I thought Nessi. It looked like dinosaur. It was 3 centimeters high and 1 centimeter wide. I shut up the door and I talked with the police. They was talking that the monster is a murder...


  9. One night i was alone at home, when i heard knocking on the door. I went to open it but I didn't see anyone. So I returned to watch television, but I heard another time knocking on the door. I thought that was a joke, so i opened the door and I went out to find who was the person who was doing that. But when I was out the door swung shut on its own and i heard a terrible scream. I went to the place where I heard the scream and i saw a woman who was crying. I decided to went to her and when I was behind her she turn to look at me but in the same moment I woke up. It was a dream.

  10. during a very dark night i heard some strange voices and so i went to kitchen to see who can be.when I turned to mt bedroom I saw a some red lights by my windows. they were three. they made a triangular. they went out in 2 seconds. it was the first wednesday of the last mouth , today is the first wednesday of the mouth...

    lucy and deny

  11. it was halloween night and bruno was at home because his mother couldn't give him the permission to go out with his friends..and when his parents slept he went out but it was too late and his friends weren't there...he was alone.
    well he listened a voice who said: let's go in!..bruno was curios and at the same time was exting but he went in the house !!..
    up the stair there were some spider and he was afraid ...then an horrible man appared in front of Bruno and he became to say the house's story and he discover that he's the new owner of the house..

  12. I' m staying in a room of the Hull' s college , that' s big and looks like an ancient building. The room ' s bigger than that in Ireland and there is a bathroom ( in Ireland there only was a bathroom in the appartaments ). Near it there is the canteen , big and with a hexagon form . There is also a camp where you can play football and volleyball . In the morning I do some sports and in the afternoon I study English . I like it because I can know some new structures and informations. Then I have dinner , I do some others activities and I go to bed. I ' m sure that I' m spendimg a beautiful holiday !

