Monday 16 August 2010


This weekend all our students went to York! The city is famous for its amazing architecture, its mighty Minster, and of course, its sublime shopping! Locals say it is one of Europe's most inspiring cities. Let's see if our students agree...


  1. The Day in York was partly fun, partly booring.
    The Railway-Museum was the boring part so i wont say much about it. Much more interesting was the York-Dungeon, which showed us parts of the english history. After that we had 3 hours free-time and i went with some friends at first to McDOnalds where i broke my burger-eating-record (4 Big-Macs in 8 minutes), after that we visited the city, went shopping and chilled in the park near the impressive York-Cathedral.

  2. This weekend we went to York on saturday. IT was excellent. We were in the "Railway museum" in York. It is the biggest in the world. There we could see many exiting trains. One of the best was the "Hogwarts Express" from the "Harry Potter" movie. Behind the train there were many real owls and we could take many photos of them. It was very interesting.

    After this we went to "York Dungeon" and were all scared. It was amazing to see Liam burning:). We all had much fun in the dungeon.

    At last we had three hours free time to go shopping or visiting the "York Minster". It was very nice.

    Buesra & Klara

  3. we started our day in york with the railway museum. it was a bit boring, but the trains were very beuatiful & huge.
    there was a hogwarts train and in front of it 6 owls, one funnier than the other.
    in the museum was also a carousel, its for little children, but we liked it too !
    when we left the museum we saw dumbledoor and harry potter standing beside the hogwarts train, telling a story to the little children.
    after the museum we went to the york dungeon.
    it looked more frightening then it was.
    the first we did before we entered was taking a picture of the whole germany group + the 3 russian girls and andreas. ( the picture is awesome ! )
    we were very scared by the people in the dungeon.
    before we left it there was a shop, where we bought our picture some candy and slush.
    in the end we all laughed about it, but i think nobody wants to go a second time in there.

    Lala & Shani.
