Tuesday 10 August 2010

Leeds & Bradford

Last weekend we visited Leeds and Bradford. Read on to find out what we thought about it...


  1. We went to Leeds; we visited the museums of the television and the National Armory. We played a game where we had to find some informations in the National Armory. Swan won the game and he won a meal in McDonalds. After this, we watched to a Tournament of the Middle Age.
    Matthieu and Swan.

  2. On Saturday we visted the National Film and TV Museum in Bradford. After that we went to Leeds and visited the Armory museum and a fight between three Knights. After the fight we had one and a half hour free time for shopping in Leeds. In the evening we had Mission Impossible with the French, there we must do some difficult exercise.And the Germans won of course
    On Sunday we relaxed in the sun and played Football and Table-Tennis. In the evening we watched the Dancing-film Grease.
    On Monday in the morning we did a City quiz in Hull and we went to a railway museum. In the museum we did a quiz about cars and trains and so on.
    In the afternoon we had some lessons. In the evening we had a big quiz with the French people. It was very funny and the Germans won again=).

    Luis and Marius

  3. On Saturday we visited the television museum in Bradford,which showed us how news are made or how films are made. After that we were at the armory museum in Leeds. In the museum we could see old weapons, something about hunting and antique amours. Then we watched a knight tournament near to the museum and after that we had some free-time and we went shopping.

  4. Last weekend we were in Leeds & Bradford.
    At first we were in the televison museum (Bradford) and went to every stage and looked at pictures or the screens. We saw a lot of different things.

    It was amazing.

    On the last stage we saw a short mouvie. Wallace & Gromit. A funny film.

    After the museum we drove to Leeds and did a questionnaire at the other museum, National Armory. In the museum there are 5 stages and we saw big animals, knights and armament.

    Then we went out and saw a battle between 3 knights with lance. We thought it was fantastic.

    Finally we had freetime to shopping at the mainstreet in Leeds. There were so different shops and many people. At first we went to "StarBucks" and bought "Frappuchino", strawberries & Cream. Delicious.

    We enjoyed our freetime. The sun was shining and we felt good.

    After the hour we met us in front of the shop "Topshop". Then we went to the bus and drove to the accommodation. There we ate our dinner and went to bed.

    Buesra & Laura
